Hosted over at Bookish
I am denial--how can we already been in the process of writing our wrap up posts for January?! This month has been INSANE for me. It is suppose to be a relatively calm time at my job but with my director being out of the building, it has been anything but that. Oh well, that is life and you have to roll with the punches--right?!
So, how did I do this month with my TBR Pile Challenge?
This Month I Read:
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (review posted)
Kisses, She Wrote by Katharine Ashe (review in progress)
Christmas on 4th Street by Susan Mallery
True by Erin McCarthy (review posted)
Sweet by Erin McCarthy (review posted)
Currently I am Reading:

Pivot Point by Kasie West
Hopefully I will have it finished up by the end of the month. I am actually doing it as a read along with a couple gals and we are having a blast with it. :)
January's Read Along:
I am also taking part in the monthly read along for the Daughter of Smoke and Bone but I am not as far along since I got a late start in it.
Yearly Progress Update:
My initial goal I set is for 31-40 books to be finished by the end of the year. Based on finishing 5 books each month, I would more than meet that goal!! Having both Bout of Books 9.0 and Winter Wishes read-a-thons have helped this month.
Overall, I am pleased with my progress. I have read more books overall but they do not qualify for the challenge since they are 2014 ARCs. Hopefully I will do better with the read along next month. I will be looking forward to seeing what book is chosen for it.
If you are participating, be sure to leave me your link in the comment section so I can pop over to your wrap up post. I would love to visit and cheer you along this year!

I am in denial too - how can January be over?? SERIOUSLY?!?!
ReplyDeleteDid you LOVE Fangirl? (My next click is your review-but had to ask! LOL!)
-Jac @ For Love and Books
Time flies ENTIRELY too quickly!! YES! I absolutely did. :)