Have you heard of YALLFEST? If you have not, than I really encourage you to pop over to their site to learn more about this AMAZING event happening on Saturday, November 9 in Charleston, SC. I only wish I lived closer so I could attend but instead, I am helping to spread the word about it!
Today, I am beyond thrilled to be sharing an interview with the spectacular Lauren Oliver. Taking a look at her GoodReads page, you will find so many wonderful titles to read. This past March, the highly anticipated Requiem debuted. I know I am looking forward to reading Panic as well in the upcoming months. Without further ado, here is the interview:
Q1: What one thing do you need to have when you write?
Q2: What is the hardest line to write- the first or the last?
Honestly, neither. It’s just every single line in between that feels impossible.
Q3: Best writing tip you ever received?
Aim for truth and beauty will follow.
Q4: Tell us 5 random facts about yourself.
Q6: Where's your favorite place to write?In my sunroom in upstate New York.
Q7: What are you working on now?Two different middle grade books and an untitled young adult novel that my agent described as “the most disturbing thing he’s ever read.” Oops!
Q8: What is your favorite genre to write in? To Read?
I love realistic books that include just a hint of fantasy.

- I have fourteen tattoos.
- I can fall asleep any time, any place.
- I have a phobia of worms.
- I hate fruit.
- I wrote my first novel largely on my Blackberry.
Q6: Where's your favorite place to write?In my sunroom in upstate New York.
Q7: What are you working on now?Two different middle grade books and an untitled young adult novel that my agent described as “the most disturbing thing he’s ever read.” Oops!
Q8: What is your favorite genre to write in? To Read?
I love realistic books that include just a hint of fantasy.

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