A weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, we answer the weekly prompt then visit others who have as well. Come have fun with us, meet new friends and discover new-to-you blogs and books!
This is going to be an interesting week to read posts. I know I am approaching this week (and really any post I do) from a PERSONAL standpoint. So what I list below is what makes me pause and reconsider a book but I bet you might have different reasons than I do.
I realized as I was jotting down notes for this that I am not so much as a topic avoider but more of the style, flow and structure type reader than what I realized.
1) Bad Storytelling
The story does not make sense or I just cannot get lost in the story for whatever a readson
2) Animal Abuse
I have a hard time reading anything with animal abuse so I typically will not read them.
3) Characters that I Do Not Like
This is completely PERSONAL but if there is not a character in a fiction book that I cannot relate to, than I will have a hard time reading that story. I LOVE characters and am usually drawn most to stories with characters I like/enjoy/intrigued by--for me characters are what I enjoy most in books.
4) Confusing or no Plot
As I said above, I primarily am drawn to characters but if I get into a book and the plot is missing or completely confusing and makes no sense, than I probably will not continue with it.
5) Boring
This is so PERSONAL but if I can just not get into a book because it is just a sleeper than I will put it down. It has taken me a LONG time before I realized that this is okay--that I do not have to finish every book I pick up.
I know that this is a shorter list but I am struggling with coming up with themes that I avoid or will make me put down a book. It takes a lot but as I said above, I am finally allowing myself to stop reading a book if it is not geling with me.
What about you--what reasons turn you off of a book? Be sure to leave me a comment with your link so I can come over and visit on my day off this week.

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