Thursday, May 1, 2014

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge May 2014

I am thrilled to be both participating in and hosting a challenge for the Clean Sweep Arc Challenge during May! I have many ARCs I need to be cleaning up and this is the perfect time to be clearing them off of my TBR shelf. 

I am hoping to get at least several ARCs read each week. I know myself well enough to know that if I do not write my reviews within a day or two of finishing the book, most likely they will not get written as I will get busy and distracted.  I am hoping to use this challenge as mechanism to change this pattern. :-) That's the plan anyway. Each week I will post an weekly update. 

Week One Progress:


  1. Good luck and thanks again for hosting a challenge. We are going to have fun Stephanie!

  2. So glad you are joining us this month!!! I think it's going to be a lot of fun. Good luck on the books you want to get read and have fun!!



Thank you for taking the time to write a comment! I read them all and respond to them as soon as I can.