About #LetITGo Day:
#LetITGo day all stemmed from Ann Aguirre's title, I WANT IT THAT WAY. One of the characters finds freedom when he lets something go that he had been holding on to. In the book, you see him physically do something to represent the act of letting it go and then finding peace. While reading, the wheels started turning! We all need to have a day to let things go. We've all had those moments when things play over and over in our head, when we hear the whispers of being told we're not good enough, when we find ourselves paralyzed by something. Some of us are affected by this in ways we think others could not possibly understand. So...#LetItGo day was formed. In the midst of ugly and dark things happening all around, we want to focus on freedom and finding peace. And September 3rd, 2014 is that day. The sky is the limit in how you want to celebrate and share it with your readers and followers on your blog and social media. Tell what freedom and peace mean to you, Tell about a time you had to #LetItGo, take pics of you doing a #LetItGo ceremony. Whatever...but this world has a lot of heartache. And we don't have to hold on to things. We want freedom and peace to reign! So join in on September 3rd and #LetItGo!
My #LetITGo Moment:
I really enjoyed I Want it That Way and one of the things I enjoyed most was the characters. I really connected with Nadia and Daniel--I BELIEVED their story and could relate to so many thoughts and feelings they were having throughout the book.One of the most standout moments is when Daniel decides he needs to let go of his past so he can continue forward with Nadia. I cannot explain myself adequately enough with how much this resonates with me. I think we would all be hard pressed to go back through our lives and not find a situation that we wished we handled differently or even did not happen. I know I certainly do. It is hard for me to wish these moments gone because they really truly have made who I am today but I cannot deny that sometimes it feels that I am dragging around a ball and chain. These moments weigh heavily on me, and despite best intentions, can seep into my thoughts and affect my relationships.
Inspired by Ann Aguirre's I Want it That Way, I have been doing some soul-searching. My #LetITGo moment is not as elaborate as what I imagine some might do, but that's okay--because this is MY moment to #LetITGo and this is how I chose to do it.
I wrote a letter to myself detailing out everything I have been holding onto that I know that is holding me back from being the best person I can be on a daily basis. I poured my heart and soul into this letter. This letter covered everything from my troubled childhood, situations in high school and college and even more recently as an adult and mom.
I went outside to watch the sunrise, set my letter on fire and listened to some uplifting music while I went for a walk. I started the day by celebrating a new day and a new beginning. When I came home, I cannot begin to describe the feelings I have now--the hope, the energy, the BELIEF, that I can #LetITGo--finally move forward and be at peace.

Daniel Tyler has grown up too fast. Becoming a single dad at twenty turned his life upside down—and brought him heartache he can’t risk again. Now, as he raises his four-year-old son while balancing a full-time construction management job and night classes, the last thing he wants is noisy students living in the apartment upstairs. But one night, Nadia’s and Ty’s paths cross, and soon they can’t stay away from each other.
The timing is all wrong—but love happens when it happens. And you can’t know what you truly need until you stand to lose it.
"A tender, sweet, and sexy story about how life—and falling in love—can never be planned." —Jennifer L. Armentrout, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Wait for You
Doesn't it sound so good?? Here is a sneak peek at the first chapter!! My review for I Want it That Way went live last week.
To Purchase I Want It That Way and be sure to add it to your GoodReads:
Other Books in the 2B Trilogy:
I Want It That Way (OUT NOW)
As Long As You Love Me (releasing soon--9/30/14)
The Shape Of My Heart (releasing soon--11/25/14)
About Ann Aguirre:
Connect with Ann!
Twitter Chat!!
Join us on Twitter, September 3 from 8:00-9:00 EST, using the hashtag #LetitGo. Who will be hosting this fabulous chat you ask? Well, no other than:
Ann AguirreNyrae Dawn
Lauren Dane
Monica Murphy
What an amazing lineup! I hope to see you online during the Twitter Chat! Let me know your Twitter Name in the comments below so I can be sure to say hello!
Now It's Your Turn!

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