By Laurie Ann Thompson
ISBN: 9781582704647
Publication Date: September 16, 2014
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Reviewed from: a copy provided by the publisher—Thank You
Simon Pulse!
Purchase Note: I have purchased a copy of this book for my library
What is This Book About?
Perhaps you have felt that drive, you know the one in which you want to do something. Perhaps you saw something on the news that has made you to want to spur into action or perhaps you see a need in your hometown that you think you can fill. However, you are at a lost as to where to begin. Enter Be a Changemaker. Thompson guides readers through the thought process from researching your ideas, to money matters and working with the media.What Did I Think?
One of the most appealing features of this book is the layout—clear, concise and easy to follow, readers are able to pick up this book from where ever they are in the process of their idea and hit the ground running. At the end are resources to help you take things further. Sprinkled throughout the book are real life examples, to help add credence to the title.One Last Impression:
Give this to teens in your library or life—they are our

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