Question 1: Pay Day: a book you would buy right now cost doesn't matter
Hmm...this is hard because I bought some books recently so I really should not buy anymore books. If I were to pick one since the right now because the cost does not matter (I wish), I am going to go with a cookbook because they are more expensive and I usually do not have the best of luck finding them at my public library. With this in mind, I would select Skinnytaste Meal Prep: Healthy Make Ahead Meals and Freezer Meals to Simplify Your Life. I love these cookbooks and turn to her recipes often. It does not release until September, but I imagine I will purchase it close to then.
Other books I hesitate to purchase are ones that deal with my profession--because they are so expensive. I have multiple ones on my wish list from the American Library Association's store and will watch them on Amazon too. They are usually upwards of $40/$50 a book which adds up quickly. They are not quick reads usually, so I tend to always have something I need to read that would fit this anyway.
Question 2: Pay a Bill: a book you would get rid of right now
I just did an unhaul recently. The book that I added to my take into school pile most recently is Summer Days and Summer Nights edited by Stephanie Perkins. Unfortunately this book did not really gel with me and I ended up DNFing it.
Question 3: Doctor Appointment: a book that makes you feel better when down
I tend to go back to a favorite book whenever I am feeling down or battling a reading slump. (Spoiler: my Tuesday post is a whole post about dealing with reading slumps and reader guilt). For this I would most likely pick up A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. I love that every time I read it I find something else I want to explore further.
Question 4: Meeting: a book or series you felt obligate to read because of the hype
One I currently have on my list that I have been reluctant to pick up is Beach Read by Emily Henry. I know I know, there are people raving about it everywhere, but I have been reluctant to pick it up because of the hype surrounding it.
One that I did read because of the hype is The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare. I love historical romance fiction--it is one of my candy genres (see my post on Tuesday regarding reading slumps and getting out of them for more about this). Even though this one was published in 2017, I had not read it though I had read other books by Tessa Dare. This one became a BookTube darling after Regan from Peruse Project discovered historical romances and read multiple ones--including this whole series. Of course she is not the only one, there have been multiple people raving about it.
Question 5: Lunch Date: a book or series you fell in love with because a friend recommended it
I have seen so many people recommending The Diviners series by Libba Bray over the years that finally picked them up as audiobooks this year. I have only finished the first two, but I am in love with them! I have to drive to a specific place on Monday for a test (NOT COVID-19 related) but it is an hour and half or so away from my house. I plan to start book three: Before the Devil Breaks You on Monday if I do not get a chance to do so before then (I am hoping I can fit in some time this weekend while cleaning or long walk).
Question 6: Work/School Week: a book that is hard to get through
Most recently, it is not a struggle but for some reason I have been reading it slower is The Address Book: What Street Addresses Reveal About Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power by Deirdre Mask. I am reading it chapter by chapter, I just tend to stop when reaching the end of the chapter instead of continuing onto the next. It is not because I am not enjoying it--I am--but I am just taking my time to read it evidently.
I oddly enough also had issues with Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid. This one is entirely because I was not into the audiobook production for this book. I had some serious issues with it that it caused me to put up blocks with not wanting to listen to it. I wish I had read it because I think I would have enjoyed it even more, but given the pandemic I did not have access to the physical book and the eBook has a long holds list.
Question 7: Gym Day: a book that gets your heart pumping because it is such an exciting page turner
Two that stand out in my mind are: The Diviners by Libba Bray and Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson. I enjoyed both of these so much that I had to keep reading the series. The Diviners I highly recommend enjoying this series as audiobooks--the narration adds a whole other level to it. Truly Devious I read and found that it hit the spot for what I needed at that moment.
Question 8: Date Night: a book with your favorite romantic couple
Hmm...the couple that immediately pops into mind is Diana and Matthew from A Discovery of Witches I mentioned above. I love this series and this couple. I also love Marcus and Phoebe, from Shadow of Night and The Book of Life, books two and three of the All Souls Trilogy--which also are centered around Matthew and Diana too.
Question 9: Vacation: a book or series you would binge if you had all the time in the world
Honestly, I know this is duplicating answers but I think I would pick The Diviners series because I am only have books three and four left. I also need to read the third book in the Truly Devious series and now that they have announced book four, I also have it on my TBR list too, but it does not release until 2021.
Question 10: To Do List: a book that you keep meaning to get to but don't have the time for
I need to get back to reading classics. I have not managed to get my twelve books read yet, I am sitting at only five classics read this year. I really need to get more read--some are reading them again as I have not in over twenty years and some are brand new. Some on my list yet for this year include: Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, and Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, 1984 by George Orwell, some Agatha Christie books, and Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell.
There you have--these are my answers to the Plan With Me book tag. Do any of my answers surprise you or are there books on here you are interested in now? What about you--have you answered this tag? If so, please share your link with me so I can read your post or watch your video. If you have not participated but have not yet, please answer then share you link!

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